"") { if (substr($message,-2)=="\r\n") { $message=substr($message,0,-2); } //$message=str_replace("\n","\n\t\t\t\t","\r\n".$message); $message=str_replace("\n","\n\t\t\t","\r\n".$message); } $fname = ".".$fname; if (filesize($fname) > 10000000) {return false;} $fp = @fopen($fname, "a"); // if ($opt1) {$optn1=" y";} else {$optn1=" n";} $when = date("Y-m-d"); //$rec = "\r\n\\\\$optn1\t$when\t$email\t$oname$message"; $rec = "\r\n$when\t$email\t$oname$message"; return @fwrite($fp, $rec); fclose($fp); } //-- POST processing path if (!empty($_POST)) { $email=$_POST['emailaddr']; $oname=$_POST['optionalname']; $opt1=$_POST['checkbox1']; if ($opt1=="") { $opt1=false; } $message=str_replace("\\","",$_POST['message']); include("./secim/securimage.php"); $img = new Securimage(); $valid = $img->check($_POST['code']); if($valid) { if ($email==$accessEmail) { die(<< Click here for the Email List

After clicking there and logging in, you REALLY MUST press the F5 key to retrieve the most recent addresses.
Otherwise your browser will likely cache the data and not show you the most recent entries.

Use Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C to Paste into Notepad, then Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C in Notepad to Paste into Excel.
A single step paste into Excel does not work correctly. EOTXT ); } if (storeData ($storageFile, $email, $oname, $message, $opt1)) { $submsg = "Your information has been sent."; } else { $submsg = "A website problem prevented your information from being sent.
" . "Please try again later.  Sorry for the inconvenience."; } } else { $submsg = "Sorry, you didn't type the word correctly.  Please try again."; } $submsg = "$submsg

"; buildPage ($valid, $submsg, $email, $oname, $message, $opt1); //-- GET processing path } else { buildPage (false, "", "", "", "", false); } //-- start buildPage function function buildPage ($okay, $submsg, $email, $oname, $message, $opt1) { if ($opt1==true) {$chk1=" checked";} else {$chk1="";} if ($okay) { $resbut=" Send Another "; } else { $resbut=" Clear Form "; } echo << .:Paley Festival

Contact the Festival

· Contact the Festival ·

You can contact the festival organizers by sending an email to:
   No Spam
You can also leave a voicemail or get more information by calling:

· Join the Email List ·

If you want to receive informative emails about the festival, please enter your email address here. (The previous email list maintained by First English Lutheran Church will not be used in 2014.) We will use you email address only to provide you with information about these concerts.

Email Address:    

Name (optional):  

Message (optional): 

EOTXT; if ($okay && $submsg<>"") { //-- just the submision result message if successful echo $submsg; } else { //-- show the captcha items if not submitted or if it failed $sid = md5(uniqid(time())); echo <<
Captcha Image
If you can't read the image, click it to get another.
Click here and open download to hear it spelled

$submsg   EOTXT; } //-- continue both cases with a "Clear" or "Another" reset button echo <<$resbut

EOTXT; } //-- end buildPage function ?>